So, what exactly will it cost the state of Oregon to defend our assisted suicide law from the overreaching claw of Bu$h's Department of “Justice” and Alberto “Torture's Fine By Me” Gonzales?
It is so infuriating that Oregon has to continue spending time and resources to continue defending the democratic decision of its citizens again religious bigots wrapped in drug law clothing.
I'm sure Hardy Myers would rather be spending his time protecting Oregonians from meth addicts or child abusers, instead protecting Oregon laws from the feds.
Under FCC rules and federal law, radio stations and over-the-air television channels cannot air obscene material at any time, and cannot air indecent material between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The FCC defines obscene material as describing sexual conduct "in a patently offensive way" and lacking "serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value." Indecent material is not as offensive but still contains references to sex or excretions.