The Bu$h administration is certainly upholding John Ashcroft's proud tradition of trampling states' rights. "Gonzales v Oregon" goes before the Supreme court tomorrow.
Oregonians have twice voted for legalized assisted suicide, but the Bu$hies - who apparently believe it's ok to kill Iraqis but heaven forbid Grandpa gets to die peacefully at home - have taken their attack on Oregon's rights all the way to the judicial top.
They are trying to use the Controlled Substances Act - federal legislation designed to prevent blackmarket drug trafficking and drug abuse - to prevent Oregon doctors from assisting terminally ill patients in dying peacefully.
This is just one more example of the moral bankruptcy and hypocrisy of this administration. While trying to reduce government regulations on corporations (as an example, read here about the EPA's sweetheart proposal regarding agricultural polluters), they are trying to increase government control over the lives of individuals.
From the right to join unions to the right to use birth control to the right to die with dignity, this administration is working overtime to insure that individual rights play second string to corporate interests and religious dogma.
Fans of democracy in Oregon will have to hope that the Supreme Court recognizes Gonzales v. Oregon for what it is... an attempt to tell the voters of Oregon that we don't have the right to make laws if they conflict with the Bu$h administration's religious beliefs.
¶ 9:05 AM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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