Took an inadvertent break from the blog for the past 10 days or so. Mostly due to a ton of work, which is still bearing down on me.
Also, now that we are officially in the "4 more years" stage of hell, the news just keeps getting worse and worse.
Exhibit A: Bu$h's budget. Cut all funding for Amtrak? Excuse me? Despite having some problems (albeit large ones) with timeliness and the bottom line, Amtrak is a wonderful system of rail travel that does not deserve the federal axe, especially if we are trying to cut back on foreign energy as Bu$h mentioned in his SOTU speech. Oh I get it. He just said that to try to push for drilling in ANWR - he actually has no intention of supporting alternative transportation options like Amtrak which 25 million Americans used last year.
Or, he has no intention of supporting a program which doesn't make him or any of his cronies richer.
Exhibit B: Whoops - forgot to carry those zeros Looks like the cost for last year's Medicare prescription drug deal was undercalculated by at least $300 billion. Somehow I'm not surprised that that little math error didn't come out before the election.
Exhibit C: conservative shills allowed at White House press conferences. Really not so surprising. Fake name? Heck, someone let him in, might as well let him throw some softballs!
Meanwhile, 168 people have been killed in Iraq in the 10 days since the election, and North Korea has nuclear weapons. Wait, none of that is surprising either.
Our government can't even use a calculator properly. How scary is it that they have another 4 years to further *$"#-up our country and the world? I'd like to just hide under the covers for the next four years, but with these idiots in charge, there won't be anything worthwhile left if we just go to sleep.
¶ 7:05 PM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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