I don't often look to Rolling Stone as a news source (although I once had a RS article as assigned reading in graduate school), but a few days ago it had an excellent article about peak oil and its potential impacts on our lives.
While the prez is fretting about how oil prices may impact his approval ratings, those of us in the real world are pondering what will happen to our daily lives as oil prices continue to rise over the next few years.
And those of us who care more about the environment and our children's future than about whether our neighbor can afford gas for his daily solo commute in his SUV are wondering how long until politicians have the guts to advocate responsible use of limited resources.
¶ 11:36 AM
Rolling Stone been going downhill since Dr.Gonzo stopped vilifying Tricky Dicky- I still can't believe HST is dead. My uncle did the same thing a couple weeks ago. It's kinda screwing up my head, but I'm trying to find some good in these awful times. I'm glad you are blogging again. That's some good.
Sorry about your uncle - that must be rough. I'm sad that HST is gone too... I guess it was good for him that he went out the way he wished, but it must have been hard on his family and friends.
Thanks for reading and posting. I've been reading your blog, and keep having good intentions (road to hell and all) of commenting. I just seem to be in a flaky period of life right now.
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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