Talk about low expectations. Given the fact that Condi was National Security Advisor leading up to 9/11, yet she somehow is (in King George's bloodshot eyes) worthy of a promotion, the bar for success as Secretary of State seems like it will be set ridiculously low.
I suppose if World War 3 breaks out while she is SoS, the Repubs will think that she has done such a good job that she deserves to be the next president.
And Alberto Gonzalez is another shining example of how incompetance and lack of morals gets you a great job with this administration. Despite the fact that he failed to give Bu$h pertinent details about death row convicts before Bu$h was to decide on whether to grant clemency, and despite the fact that he would be involved in a big conflict of interest if he had to conduct investigations into Abu Gharib as AG (since the administration would have been acting on his legal opinions regarding torture), he is apparently a shoo-in as AG.
Is this really the best our country has to offer in two of the highest jobs in this country? It just gets more and more embarrassing to be an American. Apparently our highest value is not on freedom (despite Bu$h's lip service) but on incompetancy and dishonesty.
I guess it makes sense given the examples that the prez and vp offer.