If you haven't already seen it on a news source, you should know that evidence came out today of Karl Rove's strategy to gut Social Security by first convincing the American people that Social Security is "headed for an iceberg". The administration's rhetoric is that they want to save Social Security, but this "strategy document" clearly reveals the administration's goal is not to save it but to gut it.
Sure, we could use a healthy debate about how best to preserve Social Security so that it remains useful for those beyond current retirees, but I don't trust Rove's intentions here one bit.
Social Security is one of the great achievements of our government during the 20th century, and it would be truly tragic for this administration to gut this program (under the guise of saving it) and to deny us and our children the benefits that Social Security can provide.
Americans are not know for their overwhelming ability to save money. And Bu$h is certainly not known for his stunning economic acumen. In fact, he and his administration are better known for being in the pockets of corporate interests. I don't doubt for one second that their plans for Social Security include lining the pockets of corporate executives and investment bankers, rather than making sure you or I have money in our "golden" years.
Don't fool yourself. This is the same administration who cares nothing about sending thousands of young Americans into an unnecessary war. Don't make the mistake of thinking that they give a damn if you have to eat cat food when you are 70 years old... they will be long gone anyway, and they'll have made sure that Jenna and Barbara don't have to pay any "death tax" on the Bush fortune.
Anyone who thinks that this administration has our interests at heart is sadly deluded.
¶ 10:41 PM
You're right on with this, but I think it's going to be even worse than we can imagine.
Thanks for the corporate workplace comment. I was amost crying on the floor myself, but everyone knows men don't do that.
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