Bu$h visited the US Constitution and Bill of Rights today at the National Archives. I guess he never got around to reading it the first time around (he must have just gotten the Cliff notes version, edited by Alberto Gonzales).
Apparently in 2000 he took the alternate inaugural oath. Instead of preserve, protect and defend, he promised to spit on, shred up, and laugh at the Constitution. It must be on the basis of his success at doing those things that he got re-elected. Or maybe all those favors he called in to manufacturers of voting machines. But I digress.
All I know is that there are a lot of people like me who have no trust in this government that we are stuck with for the next four years, and that is a sad commentary on the state of our nation. I don't know if it's possible to be any more disgusted or embarrassed as I am today that we have inflicted Bu$h and Co. Inc. on our country and the world for another four years.
But I guess we have four more years for B&C to prove just how much we can embarrass ourselves and antagonize the world. And at the end of it, the misleaders will have nice tidy sums of money waiting for them from the corporations that they have served and will continue to serve.
One nation, under corporate charters, by BuSh divisible, with liberty and justice for some.
I truly hope he isn't as bad a president as I think he'll be. But that was what I hoped for in 2000, and the policies and agenda of the past 4 years were much worse than I could have anticipated.
One word of advice to try to prepare for the next four years. If they say they aren't going to do something (such as go to war against of Iran), you can translate that to mean they are planning to do it just as soon as they can manipulate the sheeples into supporting it.
At least when we learn to decode the lies, we can be better prepared for whatever happens next.
Happy Inauguration!
(Did you hear the one about Bu$h going to see the US Constitution today? insert your own punchline here ___________________________________________________________________)
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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