A new National Intelligence Agency report says that Iraq is becoming a training ground and recruitment center for terrorists.
In keeping with the White House's recent decision to dispense with reason, Scott McClellan today characterized the report as speculative while also saying that it backs up the administration's strategy for winning the war on terror. (On second thought, this administration clearly dispensed with reason years ago and is using good old-fashioned fear and greed to develop policies.)
McClellan was asked repeatedly about the apparent contradiction between the report's findings on Iraq and the administration's assertion that its actions in Iraq are helping the war on terror, but he managed to obfuscate his way through the questions.
So, let me get this straight. While denouncing the report as speculative, McClellan is using it to cite the merits of the adminstration's strategy against terrorism? And although the report saying that Iraq is more of a terrorist breeding ground than before the war, our decision to declare war on Iraq has somehow helped us in our war on terrorism?
This seems like yet another example of the administration twisting facts to suit their needs. They do seem to be quite adept at it.
McClellan also said that a theme of Bu$h's inaugural talk will be "the importance of advancing freedom to achieve peace." Or, in other words, fighting wars to bring peace. Because apparently the way to stop the hatred that is breeding terrorists is to bomb countries, kill civilians and destroy cities. That won't create more hatred - it will spread freedom and then people will love us.
Makes sense, right?
Boy, I feel safer with Bu$h and Co in charge. They clearly know what they are doing.
Excuse me while I go kick my dog so it will love me.
¶ 2:21 PM
That transcript...no matter the question, it's the same non-answers over and over. Spreading freedom=cluster bombs and napalm. Fight them there so we don't have to fight them on our streets. Yeah, Iraq was *this close* to plundering our cities. Democracy = death squads. Wartime sacrifice = $40 million taxpayer dollars for coronation.
And this "too blunt" crapola ? Classic mis-direction. Admit to a small mistake to draw attention from the Big F*ck-Up. How did it come to this?
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