The president is here asserting a unilateral American right to interfere in the internal affairs of every nation on earth, without regard to whether these nations have threatened us or attacked us. Their domestic politics are now our concern, because if they are not democratic, we are not secure.
Let it be said: This is a formula for endless collisions between this nation and every autocratic regime on earth and must inevitably lead to endless wars. And wars are the death of republics.
He goes on...
President Bush is championing a policy of interventionism in the internal affairs of every nation on earth. But did we not learn from 9/11 that intervention is not a cure for terrorism, it is the cause of terrorism?
Clearly, the president does not understand this, or believe it. For in his inaugural, he describes 9/11 as the day "when freedom came under attack." But Osama bin Laden did not dispatch his fanatics to ram planes into the World Trade Center because he hated our Bill of Rights. He did it because he hates our presence and our policies in the Middle East.
I love finding proof that there are conservatives out there who do understand that Bu$h's pride and policies are liable to lead to the downfall of this country as we overextend ourselves trying to do what isn't necessary.
Despite his so-called mandate after the 2004 election, more and more people are starting to doubt that going to war against Iraq will result in the stable democracy that Bu$h hopes to achieve. Given the bloodshed that we have suffered for this elective war with dubious results, I hope that the American public will be much less willing to send our troops to fight Bu$h's next wars.