Proving once again why it's good to live in Oregon, Alabama State Representative Gerald Allen recently introduced a bill which would ban books with gay characters from school and university libraries.
But Mr. Allen didn't advocate burning the books. (Perhaps he was worried about global warming - no wait, he probably doesn't want that taught in schools either, along with evolution, or the proper way to use a condom.) Instead, he suggesting dumping them in a hole.
Maybe he and all of his homophobic ilk should dig a really large hole and jump in it themselves. Or better yet - go find a bridge to live under so they can clearly be identified as the trolls that they are.
¶ 8:14 PM
How are they going to know which books have gay characters? Are they going to read them, thus putting themselves at risk of Gay Agenda Contamination? Better that we just go Farenheit 451 and burn all books, just in case. Also, a great number of actors and actresses are gay, even though they may be playing 'straight' characters-and what about gay screen-writers, producers and directors? Let's just ban all TV, Movies and Theater. (Except FOX news, of course) Once we get to the bottom of this slippery slope, we'll have nothing to read but the Bible, nothing to watch except O'Reilly & Co. and nowhere to go but church, work, war or prison. Time to fill-out those Passport forms.
I think you just hit on the true agenda of the Christan right... a return to the days of puritanism. I can picture what's coming next - sewing bees in churches, so the women (in between pumping out babies) can sew up a bunch of red L's to brand all us godless liberals.
My husband is native Oregonian, and I lived in Oregon for about 8 years having moved there from Chicago. It was quite a cultural change for me, but I grew to love the NW. We now live in the Seattle area. I always considered the NW "blue", but lately initiatives and vote outcomes are making me wonder about how blue we are. Still, it's better than most of the country. =) This whole issue along with gay marriage is totally based on religion imo, despite what some critics say. And my fear is it is only going to get worse until the morality police personally start losing civil liberties and realize the quagmire they've created.
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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