I haven't posted in about 2 weeks, due to a combination of holiday madness and political frustration.
I'm not travelling for Christmas this year so I spent much of the past 3 weeks getting presents ready to send to family members. Now, I really do enjoy giving presents to people, but the amount of time spent preparing for the holidays is just ridiculous. I don't even have a very big list of people to shop or make presents for, but every year I find that much of December is taken up by all the holiday prep.
Personally, I'd prefer to just have the holiday season with gifts every other year. Of course, our economy is now so dependent upon the rampant consumerism of the yearly holiday orgy that only having a gift-giving holiday season every other year would never fly.
One of the nicest parts of the holidays this year was a solstice party at the home of some good friends. About 20 of us got together, shared a meal, drank some nog, had some great conversations, and celebrated the start of winter. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the season, and no orgy of consumerism was necessary.
The other reason for my blogging hiatus is that the news everyday has contained more and more stories of US soldiers killed and wounded in Bu$h's war, which just makes me more and more outraged that the Misleader in Chief started this voluntary war in the first place.
Perhaps if he had negotiated with himself more before he chose to start this war, his true Christian self -- the one that actually tries to act like a follower of Jesus -- would have won out over the greedy, scared, fundamentalist self.
¶ 10:10 AM
Didn't Jesus 'lobby' for the poor, the ill and the children? What a liberal-and an Arab to boot! I'm no scholar,but I don't recall Jesus advocating Missile Defense, and his ideas on tax reform seem to be largely ignored by his most devout hypocrites.
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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