building the margins
Monday, December 27, 2004
  beware the scruffy man seeking truth

Apparently drug corporations (and other health-care related corps) are warning their employees to be afraid (be very afraid) if a large scruffy-looking man wearing a baseball cap approaches them.

This man is potentially armed with a video camera (or similar equipment which might record any remarks or moves company employees might make) and could be extremely dangerous to the bottom line of corporations which depend upon the blissful ignorance of average citizens and wage slaves in order to extract large sums of money for overpaid executives.

If you should happen to run across this man do not, I repeat, DO NOT attempt to answer any questions he may have, particularly if you are in the upper echelons of management.

Refer him to the PR person at your company so that he or she may issue a suitably innocuous statement about how the company is doing their part to save the world at great expense, and so what if some employees get paid ridiculous amounts of money for approving drugs which might happen to kill a few people? Or for not paying for certain procedures because it just doesn't fit with the company's bottom line? Or for driving up the cost of healthcare so that millions of American kids can't afford to see a doctor?

I mean, corporate executives are people too, and they deserve to get as rich off the backs of unsuspecting Americans as the executives in the oil business, or any other good, wholesome, capitalist enterprise.


Damn right! Shut the drug companies down! Grandpa don't need no heart meds. Money spent on AIDS research could be better used buying beer and big screen TVs for everyone. Do you know how many people suffer from a screen size deficiency in America?

And most important would be the beer, because if you drink enough beer, Michael Moore starts making sense.

By the way, the FDA, a government agency< approves drugs, not the drug companies. This is a constant see-saw. A few years ago the FDA was being criticized for not approving drugs fast enough. People were dying because they were too cautious!! Now they are being criticized for approving them too fast.

It seems the left side of political spectrum is never satisfied with good, they have to have perfect and being the epitome of perfection themselves (no, you cannot check) they expect perfection from all others.

As for the fat, scruffy man? Don't pay any attention to him, he's just another millionaire hustler that is trying to fatten his wallet at the expense of the gullible.
I'm sure the several hundred people of all ages and demographics who stood in line with me for Farenheit 911 in Salem were all drunk. Sure, that's it. It wasn't that they went expecting to see Michael Moore do what he does so well - expose hypocrisy and greed with satire and some well-placed questions.

Don't worry. Once King George succeeds in privatizing everything in this country from Social Security (has he convinced you yet that it's in terrible shape? or it will be eventually so we might as well gut it now?) to schools to government oversight of medicines and our food supply, the corporations won't have to worry about meddlesome government agencies like the FDA.

Seems to me like you are succumbing to that "soft bigotry of low expectations" idea that the prez loves to throw out to his softball crowds. What's wrong with striving for perfection? And since when has the idea of hoping that corporate America might actually do something in the public good become some sort of unattainable goal? And when did the idea that greed is good become the conservative mantra?

We give corporations their charters. And we still have the right to take them away. Too bad nobody ever does.
Scruffy guys in ball caps are pretty common. Let's pick a day and get a couple thousand of them to just meander around the lobbies of DrugCo buildings nationwide simultaneously, preferably with camera crews (or fascimile).

Mr. Moore may be rich, and he certainly is obnoxious, but someone has to ask the tough questions. The 'mainstream' press won't ask ,and this administration won't tell.Or admit.

Why should the right-wing have a monopoly on outspoken,subjective and self-aggrandizing demagogues?

Oh,yeah. The FDA approves drugs and DrugCo hires former FDA officials as lobbyists. It's more than a potential side-effect. It's a self-serving cycle.

No one is perfect. Leaning right, leaning left etc. is not an accurate means of character evaluation.It's how you live, not what you say.

Does writing a murder mystery make you a killer?

Does a public proclamation of faith make you Christ-like?
Regardless, Americans are getting ripped off for medicine and doctor's visits big time. Most of the stuff you go for is routine and down to a science and many of the drugs aren't that expensive to make. It is a sick mess of greedy drug exectuves, greedy lawyers and dopey doctors who make the public think seeing a doctor for a cold really needs to cost $200.

--The Taipei Kid
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