propaganda, funding for flowers and yachts, and underfunded mandates
The Blue Lemur has a post with photos about Clear Channel billboards in Florida with Bu$h and the words "our leader" on them.
Perhaps Bu$h has been chatting with Saddam about ways to saturate public streets with his image? Has anyone checked the new spending bill to see if it includes funding for a Bu$h statue?
The purchaser of one of the billboards is Charles Clayton, a Florida developer who is obviously doing quite well under the Bu$h administration, judging from the high-end nature of his construction business.
He also is apparently a proponent of government-sponsored wildflower research in Florida. I guess Florida isn't beautiful enough already - they had to sell license plates to raise money to plant some flowers.
(Perhaps because developers are tearing up the environment to put houses in places where only flowers and trees should grow? And then after the developers make their money selling houses in places where people shouldn't live, the government - meaning you and I - gets the bill for disaster relief.)
Hey, maybe Clayton will get the contract to refurbish the presidential yacht? Yo, prez, what about a national license plate project to raise money for school funding since your new spending bill is still almost a billion dollars short on what you requested in your 2005 budget? Funny how Republican lawmakers couldn't come up with the missing 950 million or so for schools, especially given the fact that the spending bill totals about $388 billion?
Hey, I have an idea. Education is voluntary, right? Why not fund it through voluntary purchases of license plates. The plates could have a picture of Bu$h reading My Pet Goat while the Twin Towers burn in the background, thus meeting two goals - raise money for the mandated party's underfunded education mandates and keep terror in people's minds so they'll be too afraid to speak out against the ridiculousness of a government more willing to buy yachts than to adequately fund education.
Or how about this - why don't we just privatize education? Why bother with government-funded education at all? Why, it smacks of misguided commie-ism. I say, if people want their children should be educated, they should just pay for it themselves.
But I digress... (it's just that when I try hold the words "Bush" and "leader" in my mind at the same time, my mind wobbles.)
¶ 1:50 AM
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