So it was the "morality vote" that turned this election? The "moral" sheep in this country who believe every sperm is sacred but 100,000 Iraqis deserve to die so we can have cheap oil?
This is so disheartening. When the sheeps' kids get sent to fight in all of Bu$h's new wars, when they lose their jobs, when bin Laden strikes again, when peak oil hits, I will have no sympathy for anyone who voted for Bu$h.
the empathy is there... I just don't believe that we were elected to be the policeman for the world, especially without backup from other countries. If we had gone about the war the right way, perhaps we could have killed less people.
What about the millions killed by Saddam? That's such a piece of garbage spin doctoring. I don't hear right wing wackos freaking out about what's going on in Sudan where refugees are being marched to their deaths as we speak - TODAY.
What about the countless other nations we couldn't give a rats ass about?
Are their lives worth less simply because they have nothing for us to plunder? oil, no way to help our single occupant 12 mile to the gallon SUV driving culture of gluttony to sustain itself...
you are right - it is a fraud argument. And the same people who backed the war for Iraq's oil are the ones who have their heads in the sand about global warming. And the same people who often drive those gas guzzling SUV's and American cars.
Morality involves taking responsibility for messes we make, and this administration does not take responsibility for anything they do.
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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