building the margins
Thursday, November 11, 2004
  the mayor's race in San Diego, and a rant about 50-60 year old white men

In San Diego, the mayoral race is hanging in the balance. A write-in candidate - Donna Frye, a city councilperson - is narrowly ahead in the race.

A lawyer who worked on a ballot measure that Frye opposed has filed a court challenge arguing that there should be a re-vote without including Frye due to discrepanices in whether a write-in candidate is allowed in the general election.

The ballot measure Frye opposed - Proposition F - actually deals with mayoral power. It would shift more responsibility to the mayor and away from an unelected city manager.

Seems to be another example of politicians using lawyers to change election results that they don't like.

Also seems like another example of 50-60 year old white men trying to run - and ruin - everything. Now, this is certainly a generalization ( I do know a few 50-60 year old white men who don't annoy the shit out of me) but for the most part, this is my least favorite demographic as they think they know everything, they try to run everything, and they often look at women as though we are idiots who should just sit down and shut up (or fetch them their coffee).

As a women who is smarter than most of these men, I get extremely annoyed when I have to deal with them. In fact, it was one of the prime reasons why I chose self-employment a few years back - after a truly frustrating work experience during which a level of management was introduced right above me (and filled with a 55 year old white man who made my life miserable) I decided that I would never give control over my work life to anyone like that again.

And here I am, with the country run by annoying 50-60 year old white men who think they know how to run things yet just end up making half the country and much of the world angry at them for their arrogance. Sigh.

Right now in DC, many of these same white men are scheming to take control of the reproductive systems of all American women. Why do you think they want to make abortion and birth control illegal? Because then they can truly control women. Make no mistake, when Falwell talks about getting back to the "values" this country was founded on, he means to roll back the rights that women have gained, first and foremost the right to our own bodies.

And a mayoral race in San Diego, as well as all the bad-mouthing of Hillary Clinton by the evil right, are just symptoms of that particular brand of misogyny.

thanks for the link... hope you're not a 50 year old white man!
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