building the margins
Thursday, November 04, 2004
  the hijacking of morality

Give me a huge f*@(ing break. The Republicans and the media would love nothing more for us liberals to go slinking off with our tails between our legs feeling guiltily less moral than all the people who voted for Bu$h. But it's a bunch of bull.

Christian conservatives do not own the morality franchise. If they truly voted for Bu$h and Cheney thinking that they are somehow more moral than Kerry and Edwards, they are pathetically deluded.

The implication is that some of the conservatives voted for Bu$h because they were concerned about morality, and that liberals failed to vote for Bush because they are not concerned with morals.

Why did liberals vote for Kerry? They liked how he looked in windsurfing gear? No, we voted for Kerry because we believed that he is more moral than Bush.

We believe that he will not start wars unjustly and that he is less likely to lie to the American public about his reasons for starting wars.

We believe that Kerry is a practicing Catholic who voted against the late-term abortion law not because he supports late term abortions but because the law unconstitutionally did not allow for an exception for the mother's health.

We believe that Kerry is a smart and honest man who spoke truth to power in the 1970's and that he would not ask our soldiers to die for oil.

We believe that Kerry understands that global warming is a real problem and that he might have the moral courage to ask Americans to support better emissions standards.

What is the morality of Bush and Cheney?
Remaining on the payroll of a company that is benefitting enormously from the war on Iraq? Smearing the reputation of decorated veterans?
Running up the country's deficit to finance wars in which their corporate buddies are the only real winners?
Sneakily rolling back environmental regulations so that corporations might make a buck off our natural resources?
Sending troops off unproperly outfitted to fight in an unprovoked war?
Using fear and deceit to trick Americans into voting?
Using fraud at the polling places to insure a win?
Sending American soldiers into battle in Iraq after they pulled all the strings at their avail 30 years ago to avoid Vietnam?
Supporting a global gag rule and causing women to get horribly sick or die from botched abortions and unplanned pregnancies?
Disenfranching minority voters since they are the easiest targets?
Supporting the death penalty?
Spraying the food crops of Colombian farmers with chemicals as part of our drug war?
Trying to change the US constitution to outlaw certain families?

We cannot and will not let the conservatives dictate the morals of this country when they are so clearly inept at separating what is truly moral from what is bigotry, fear and greed disguised as morality.

If the Christian conservatives who voted for Bu$h were truly moral they would be less concerned with what Joe and Bob do in their bedroom and more concerned with the fact that there are homeless people on the streets in the wealthiest country in the world. They would support local stores rather than running to Walmart for cheap products made at slave wages in 3rd world countries. They would hold Bush accountable for all the Iraqi citizens who have been killed over the past 18 months. They would drive hybrid cars instead of SUVs. They would give a damn that millions of children in this country cannot afford access to healthcare. They would not pass laws restricting the rights of illegal immigrants to affordable healthcare. They would support the idea of the commons rather than demanding compensation from the government not to subdivide their land or destroy the wildlife on it. They would not simultaneously say that big government is bad while complaining about the roads they drive on or the size of their unemployment check.

The election wasn't lost because we are immoral but because the conservatives are terrified of freedom - ironically the same freedom that Bu$h claims will stop terrorism if only we can bomb enough countries into being free. They are terrified that Kerry might not legislate their religion into law in the name of morality. And they are terrified that they might be asked to pay a little more in taxes to support the people in this country who need a little extra help. In Bu$h, they have found a fellow hypocrite - someone who claims to have found Jesus but whose actions would make Jesus cringe.

That, to me, is terrifying.
Here, here. Check out

I think that it is safe to say that most bloggers are dissapointed with this election.
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