Happy Buy Nothing Day! Check out Adbusters to learn how people around the world are celebrating non-consumerism today.
This week marked the kick-off for Portland's Think Local First campaign. Why not spend today relaxing with family and friends, and head to some local shops tomorrow to start your holiday shopping?
If you really want to make a difference, shopping at locally-owned businesses is the way to do it. The money you spend at a national chain store is a drop in a huge bucket, but every dollar spent at a small store is needed and appreciated.
I usually only buy gifts at local stores or at Saturday Market. And I try to buy items that were made in the US, rather than mass-produced in China. And I buy (or make) presents that I think friends or family will truly use and value, rather than things that will just fill up shelves or get sent to Goodwill.
We only vote every 2 or 4 years for our politicians, but we get to vote for local economics several times a day with each decision to purchase something.
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
Proud member of the reality-based community