Falwell declares war on gays and non-Christians; the Moral Crusade starts now
As part of the current American trend toward "moral values" such as bigotry, hate and fear, Jerry Fawell on Tuesday announced the formation of the Faith and Values Coalition.
In keeping with the apparent "morals mandate" that Mr. "All Forms of Payment Accepted" Falwell believes happened on November 2 (fraudulent exit polls be damned), he is banding together with other religious leaders to simultaneously protect the Constitution from radical judges, and to alter the Constitution to protect marriage from those nasty gay people.
According to Mr. Falwell, "America is worth saving. Our children and children's children will hold us accountable if we fail."
Mr. Falwell further noted that he plans to return America to roughly the year 1776, and that an effort to enlist Crusaders will shortly be underway in all 50 states.
He also plans to use his own newspaper to disseminate news to the faithful, in the hopes of drawing further wealth from the masses. The Liberty Journal is already encouraging Christians to forsake material comforts and fight to restore American to her former Puritanical self, and is holding out the carrot of eternity as a reward.
¶ 10:30 AM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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