Attorney General soon to be synonymous with torture
If you Google "alberto gonzales" and "torture," 6500 links come up.
Such a good message we are sending to the world... nominating someone who called the Geneva Conventions "quaint" to be the head of our justice system.
The man who is behind most of the bad decisions of this administration.
The man whose legal opinion probably paved the way for torture at Abu Ghraib and military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay.
The man who supports Dick Cheney's right to hold secret meetings with corporations in order to form energy policy, and who has been encouraging the president to assert executive privilege on several occasions.
That was the sound of the door closing on our civil rights if he becomes AG.
¶ 11:05 AM
to Jeff - the fact that Gonzalez is Hispanic is probably part of Rove's strategy. By opposing his nomination, the Dems will lose points with Hispanic voters. Even if it's not because they think the Dems are racist, opposition to the nomination of a Hispanic will probably not sit well, and the neo-cons will certainly use it against us.
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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