building the margins
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
  stolen truth... the republican smear campaign against Kerry

Daily Kos has a transcription of the text of Stolen Honor, the anti Kerry propaganda movie Sinclair Broadcast Group is planning to show at no charge on some of their stations this week.

Sinclair backed off their plans to air the movie in its entirety after their stock price dropped 16% this week, but they are still planning to air some portion of it.

The airing of this movie is dirty politics. Carlton Sherwood, the so-called journalist who put this piece of Bush campaign propaganda together, has actually been hired by the Bush administration to manage a federal website, and formerly worked for Tom Ridge.

This is nothing more than a long swift boats ad aimed the US public, and broadcast for free by partisan hacks on our publicly owned airwaves.

Kerry fought valiantly in the Vietnam war, and returned to speak out against the war. Sherwood and the Republicans are using Kerry's heroic acts to paint him in a negative light. Meanwhile, George W Bush was doing what? Screwing sorority girls? Doing lines? Getting wasted? Working for daddy? Not taking medical exams? Not showing up for guard duty?

I want a president who actually had the courage to fight in a war and to stand up and speak out against war, not a president who hid behind his daddy.

Bush doesn't care about our soldiers. He has no idea what they are going through. His father sent soldiers to war in Iraq over 10 years ago and W's government still refuses to acknowledge the reality of Gulf War Syndrome. He doesn't even bother to send more than a form letter of condolence to families of soldiers who died in Iraq. He's not even signing some of the letters himself - that's how little he cares about whether your husband, wife, father, mother, sister or brother dies for his unnecessary war.

Don't kid yourself. Bush may be a fun guy to sit and watch the World Series with, but he is not a man fit to run our country. All his talk of faith and moral courage mask an administration rotting from the inside with greed, corruption, and moral cowardice.

And if you think that they won't manufacture evidence for another war, or turn to a draft to solve the mess they've made of Iraq, you are dangerously naive.
This movie is as much a smear tactic as was Fahrenheit 911 - that movie contans so many falsehoods and outright lies that it might as well just be a pro-liberal progaganda film...
Thanks for your comment. However I think there is one big difference between the 2 films. Farenheit 911 was shown in movie theaters where people had to pay to go see it, not shown on publicly licensed airwaves beamed into people's living rooms for free.

Sinclair has a history of one-sided commentaries and contributions to the Bush campaign. The outcry against them is partially due to the airing of one-sided propaganda just before the election, but also to the fact that Sinclair is in bed with the Bush administration and stands to benefit from further deregulation if Bush is elected.

When a station comes under fire for smearing the administration's political opponent, the right starts howling about journalistic freedom. However, when a NY Times journalist writes an article that is not flattering to the president, the right starts howling about media bias. What's wrong with this picture?
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