Here is a link to the text of Gore's speech yesterday at a MoveOn event in DC.
Let me explain... No, let me sum up...
Here are a list of words and phrases which Gore used which quite aptly describe Bush, his actions or beliefs, and his supporters over the past four years.
deeply troubling...Bush's relationship with reason
disdain for facts
incuriosity the source of his inflexibility
infallibility of the right-wing Republican ideology
love of power for its own sake
deovted to the achievement of a narrow agenda
economic royalists
immunity to doubt
selfish and greedy collection of economic and political proposals
phony moral authority
misleading many Americans
government of by and for the people, is bad
Laws and regulations are therefore bad
Ken Lay, in charge of vetting any appointees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
went on to bilk the electric rate-payers of California
without the inconvenience of federal regulators
the already unbearable burden placed on the wealthy and powerful
treaties and international agreements are bad
Rumsfeld...has still not been held accountable
the most shameful and humiliating violation of American principles in recent memory
this ideology promotes the making of policy in secret
based on information that is not available to the public
insulated from any meaningful participation by Congress.
routinely barring Democrats from serving on important conference committees
never admit a mistake
rely on special interests for information
trusts what they tell him over any contrary view that emerges from public debate
outsourced the truth
contempt for the rule of reason
hubristic and genuinely dangerous illusion that reality is itself a commodity
a large number of false impressions about the choices before us
catastrophic for our country
all of his arguments turned out to be based on falsehoods
chose to ignore and indeed often to suppress, studies, reports and facts
an extremely serious error in judgment that constitutes a reckless disregard for the safety of the American people
This is not negligence, this is deception
...and all of that is in the first half of the speech. Thanks for speaking out, Al.
Remind me again why any sane person would vote for Bush? The only answer I get from Republican friends or family members is that we must "stay the course". Stay the course of lies, deception and greed? Stay the course of inexperience, ineptitude and inscrutibility? Stay the course of death, destruction and denial? Stay the course of corruption, cronyism, and chaos? No, thank you.
Imagine doing a tandem sky-dive with someone you don't know very well,but have no real reason to distrust. You pull the cord on your 'chute. Nothing happens-(maybe an anvil and frying pans come flying out, but no parachute). Oh my! It seems you've forgotten your emergency pack! Your jump-partner wrestles their 'mergency 'chute off and somehow manages to strap it on you. You have only enough time to pull the string on the new pack, OR to keeping tugging on the one that doesn't work.
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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