funny, this morning there was only one "news" item on Goli Ameri's website dated 10/27/04 and now there are two.
and yesterday (10/27) or the day before a couple of items dated 10/21 and 10/22 appeared... ain't technology grand?
seeing as how Goli is probably Go(li)-ing nowhere in this election despite her attempts to smear Wu (or perhaps because of them - at least one friend of mine who was not sure about voting for Wu became a definite Wu supporter after getting slimy campaign lit from Goli) I see no reason to spend further electronic ink on her failed campaign.
People, just get out there and vote! Yes, more women in Congress would be a great thing, but Goli is the wrong woman at the wrong time. I've had a chance to meet Wu in person, and I really believe that we are better served if he continues as our rep in Congress.
¶ 10:48 PM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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