We received Goli Ameri's ad this week which included the complete text of the Oregonian article about Wu. Apart from probably being illegal (republishing an article without copyright permission), this to me proves that Goli is indeed taking lessons from Rove.
Back in August I wrote about Rove (scroll down to Aug 29) and his "win at any cost/stay above the fray" tactics. I also linked to a Salon article about this. The article highlighted how Rove's candidates use surrogates to smear the opponent while the candidate declines to get involved in order to appear to focus on actual issues.
Goli breaks from the Rove model since the attack ad is clearly from her campaign office (13500 SW Pacific Highway), yet she sticks to the model since she has nothing posted about it (as of 10/24, 9:45 am, several days after the ad was mailed) on her campaign website which is all sugar and and light. She doesn't even have a link to the original Oregonian article on her campaign news page.
Blue Oregon has an interesting post about this. But I doubt Goli is embarrassed by her ad - I think it's just that she's playing by Rove's Rules and is trying to appear to her followers that she is focused on issues, rather appearing that she is getting down in the mud in order to slime her opponent. I'm curious to know who this mailing went out to. Did it go out to registered Republicans, or only to Democratic households?
There are a lot of candidates this year who are really wolves dressed in sheep's clothing, and I think Goli is one of them.
¶ 9:45 AM
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