building the margins
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
  Catholic bishops say voting for Kerry is a sin

Wow. I was almost starting to think that people's actions during this election season couldn't sink much lower into the mud. Then I heard on Air America yesterday about Catholic Bishops who are saying that voting for Kerry is sinful because of his stance on abortion and stem cell research.

According to this New York Times article (reg. req.)

In an interview in his residence here, Archbishop Chaput said a vote for a candidate like Mr. Kerry who supports abortion rights or embryonic stem cell research would be a sin that must be confessed before receiving Communion.

"If you vote this way, are you cooperating in evil?" he asked. "And if you know you are cooperating in evil, should you go to confession? The answer is yes."

Wow. So, it's ok to vote for Bush who declared war on a country that wasn't attacking us, which has so resulted in the deaths of over 1100 American soldiers and 13000 Iraqi civilians, but voting for Kerry, who believes that the rights of an unborn child shouldn't trump the rights of a mother, is a sin?

Voting for Bush, who has taken money from the poor and given it to the rich via our tax system is just fine, but voting for Kerry, who wants to be able to use embryonic stem cells to save millions of lives is a sin?

It's not sinful to vote for George W Bush aka "The Texecutioner" who supports corporate welfare but not people on welfare???

Wow. I left the Catholic church years ago because I thought the teachings were overly concerned with regulating sex and not concerned enough about stopping violence. I guess not much has changed. I just hope that there are a lot of good Catholics out there who can see through this Bush**it and realize where the true evil lies.

I identify as Catholic. Oh, I've been lapsed for quite some time, and I did take a The Wife[tm] in a ceremony presided over by a Unitarian minister, but I still identify.

As much as mortal man attempts to screw up the Church (and there are many, from priests who won't keep thier you-know-whats to themselves, to Bishops who make press releases prejudging thier flock), the heart of the Church is a very noble thing. In fact, if it weren't for the fact people were involved with it, 'twould be a thing of true beauty....B-)

To the point then. I've noticed that there are many Catholic Bishops popping off about who we're supposed to vote for. I get the impression that they are trying to come off as more-conservative-than-thou, because, hey, JP2 is a real powerhouse but he can't have that many days left to him. Being able to conclave with the College of Cardinals and being able to say that, hey, you told 'em what for is quite a chip to be able to play; rumor has it that the more conservative candidate will be most likely to get the white smoke this time around.

As for Bishops, coming out on the side of archconservatism will stand them in good stead for further boon from an admittedly conservative Catholic curia in Rome.

I guess it is all about ambition in a way. And I think the Bishops who pontificate thus are not serving us Catholics-those who are faithful, those who have strayed, or those who are slowly coming back.

Despite what this Bishop says, I scarecely think my soul is in mortal peril for voting Kerry. After all, look what the death-cult of neocon Republicanism has brought us.

And, after a little good-old-fashioned-Christian meditation, I think I can start praying for that bishop as well.

Samuel John Klein.
thanks for your thoughtful comment... I'd bet that you are right about the bishops and their reasons for coming across as ultra conservative.
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