I've taken a blogging hiatus for the past few days due to work, but got back online today.
I hadn't heard anything about "Audiogate" until today (yes, I've been out of touch!)... Here's a link to a Salon article about it, and also an article at the Washington Dispatch with a very clear picture of Bush with a mysterious square bluge on his back.
Interesting that according to the rules of the first debate, the candidates weren't supposed to have been filmed from the back.
Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if Bush was being fed info by aides during the debate. If it is true, the voting public needs to be aware of it.
update: here's a link to a photo of Bush from the back from last Friday's debate.
¶ 1:15 PM
If he was wired for the first debate, his handler must have sucked, judging from the performance
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