As further evidence of the administration's shaky grasp of reality and science versus faith and dogma, the group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility noted a couple of weeks back that the Bush administration has okayed the Grand Canyon to sell a book which claims that the Canyon was formed by Noah's flood.
Thanks to Wonkette for this item. And thanks to all those people out there who prefer to believe in the Bible word for word rather than science. Funny, it seems like it's these same people who think that humans have evolved so much farther than other animals, yet their superstitions (posing as "faith") lead them to doubt scientific evidence of geologic history.
And it's these same people who seem satisfied with what Bush is doing regarding education. Maybe because his education plan focuses so much on teaching to tests and so little on critical thought. I can certainly see why Bush might want to discourage critical thought.
¶ 11:02 PM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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