The report, Homeland Unsecured: The Bush Administration’s Hostility to Regulation and Ties to Industry Leave America Vulnerable, details how the Bush administration has failed to harden our defenses against terrorism and secure the most vulnerable, high-impact targets. The report is based on an analysis of five key areas – chemical plants, nuclear plants, hazardous material transport, ports and water systems. The report is available at
“Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, President Bush has made protection of the American people from terrorism the rhetorical centerpiece of his presidency,” said Public Citizen President Joan Claybrook. “Yet this administration has failed to use its executive powers or support legislation to mandate regulatory requirements that should be taken. Bush has abdicated his responsibility to protect America from the risk of terrorist attacks because he is fundamentally hostile to regulation of private industry and is loath to cross his big money campaign contributors.”On the campaign trail, the administration is falling back on their old trick of playing the fear card when their ratings (or polls) are down. However, I think it's Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld who can't "get their minds around" the idea that they are creating new terrorists abroad while failing to adequately protect our homeland.