building the margins
Sunday, October 31, 2004
  all the reasons you would ever need

When I started this blog in July, I intended to post a reason every day for voting against Bush. While I kept at it for a while, I stopped doing so in late August, but continued to write about Bush and Co.

Regardless of the election outcome, I'll continue to write about the state of our union, but for now, here is a list of reasons why we need to oust Bush on Tuesday. I've posted commentary and links about most of the items below so check out my archives for more info if you want.
(These aren't in any particular order.)
  1. bin Laden
  2. Al Queda
  3. Al QaQaa
  4. Abu Ghraib
  5. the elective war on Iraq
  6. failure to promote peace in the Middle East
  7. untrustworthy
  8. the great divider
  9. Cheney
  10. Ashcroft
  11. Rumsfeld
  12. Halliburton
  13. false hope
  14. misrepresentation
  15. federal interference in state's issues
  16. religious hypocrisy (pro life/pro death penalty)
  17. The Texecutioner
  18. Bush's resume
  19. flaking out of the National Guard
  20. questionable ethics
  21. doublethink
  22. tax cuts for the wealthy
  23. school tests rather than school improvements
  24. restrictions on women's rights
  25. lower court appointments
  26. the Supreme Court
  27. loyalty oaths
  28. picking on the NAACP
  29. stop loss policy
  30. the looting of Iraq's historical items
  31. dependence on oil
  32. incompetant reconstruction in Iraq
  33. lack of adequate response in the Sudan
  34. support of the Columbia River dredging project
  35. lack of integrity
  36. stubbornness
  37. breaking down the separation of church and state
  38. homeland insecurity
  39. failure to adequate supply our troops with food, weapons, armor, etc
  40. putting his own plans ahead of the country's needs
  41. the huge deficit
  42. the squandering of our budget surplus
  43. first president with net job loss in ?? years
  44. neo-conservatism controlling our country
  45. damaged relationships with allies
  46. squandering of world good will following 9-11
  47. stonewalling attempts to investigate 9-11
  48. personal smears againsts citizens who speak out against Bush
  49. the inability to take responsibility for any failures
  50. the length of the list of Bush adminstration failures
  51. millions of children without health insurance
  52. global gag rule
  53. new overtime rules
  54. Yucca mountain
  55. moral cowardice
  56. failure to take lead on alternative energy
  57. conducting a war and making our children pay for it
  58. Carl Rove
  59. illegal use of Olympics in campaign ad
  60. war contracts with mercenaries
  61. smearing a decorated Vietnam veteran
  62. Zell Miller
  63. failing the "CEO test" (scroll down to Sept 3)
  64. failing to find WMD in Iraq
  65. failure of intelligence (or purposely misleading?) about WMD in Iraq
  66. further destabilizing the Middle East
  67. 1000+ dead American soldiers in Iraq
  68. using fear to motivate voters
  69. Enron/ Ken Lay
  70. voter suppression by Republicans
  71. world distrust of the US
  72. overblown Iraq/al Queda connection
  73. throwing away of Democratic voter registration cards in Oregon
  74. "win at any cost" tactics
  75. faith vs. logic and reality
  76. increased risk of terrorism due to Bush's foreign policy
  77. rampant use of half truths and false impressions to build support
  78. limiting safety regulations
  79. form letters for families of dead soldiers
  80. "Mission Accomplished" b.s.
  81. Federal Marriage Amendement
  82. promoting creationsim over evolution
  83. ignoring science about global warning
  84. promotion of logging in roadless areas
  85. overextending our military forces
  86. Bush family ties with Saudi oil
  87. Bush family ties with Rev. Moon
  88. damage to our democracy
  89. gag rule on EPA employees
  90. secret meetings with energy company executives
  91. shortchanging small businesses
  92. governance for the corporations rather than for the people
  93. 100,000 dead Iraqis because of our war
  94. unsecured weapons in Iraq
  95. no doubt
  96. America as world's bully
  97. suppression of democratic dissent
  98. solution for everything: privatization
  99. record opium crop in Afghanistan
  100. not democratically elected in 2000
An as a bonus, here's another list of 100 reasons to vote against Bush - article is entitled "100 Facts and 1 Opinion: the Non-Arguable Case Against the Bush Administration."

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If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________ Proud member of the reality-based community

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