why go with the easy solutions when we could use religion to complicate things?
some problems facing our country, according to one of W's faith-based propaganda pages...
Over half a million children are in foster care, more than one fifth of whom are awaiting adoption;
In 1997, more than one million babies were born to unwed mothers, many of them barely past their own teen years; and
More than one out of six American families with children live on an annual income of $17,000 or less.
Just a thought, but additional federal support for family planning, easier access to consistent birth control, and more available abortion services would probably help solve these problems. It's not like it's the 1800's anymore when families needed lots of children to help tend the farm and because so many of the children would die young... if we gave families the option to have fewer children, they would have more money to support the children they choose to have, fewer children would end up in poverty and families would be more stable.
Any busy working woman who has had to wait in line every month for her birth control pills knows that it feels like there is a conspiracy designed to make women pregnant. It's hard enough to remember to take the stupid things, but imagine if you are working one or more minimum wages jobs, having to come home to take care of the children you already have, and still find time once a month to remember to get down to the drug store to pick up your prescription. If politicians were serious about curbing the problems above, for starters they would enable all women to purchase at least 6 months worth of birth control pills at one time.
And if we have so many unwanted and poor kids in this country, why on earth have we instituted a global gag rule which eliminates funding for institutions in other countries if they support abortion? If we are really trying to bring democracy to other countries around the world (and not just create the opportunity for us to raid the oil reserves of other countries), why the hell do we make christianity a prerogative for the aid we could be giving to helpful institutions?
Oh, I forgot, it's our Christian compassion that makes us so loved around the world. Riiiiight.
The next time you see W up on a stage surrounded by hand-picked toadies and talking about compassion, read this article from the Global Policy Forum and imagine how lucky we are to still have abortion that is legal... and how likely it is that it will only be legal for a short time longer if Bush gets his second term.
This administration is not about solutions... it's about creating problems for anyone who doesn't go along with its ultra-conservative and religious agenda.
¶ 9:26 PM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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