building the margins
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
  when is free speech not free speech?

Found a story on Orcinus about a woman in Alabama who was fired after refusing to remove a pro-Kerry bumpersticker from her personal car at her boss's request. Her boss had apparently been putting pro-W literature in with employee's paychecks.

Wow. So this is what it has come to.

A few local stories and comments regarding free speech and political activism...

1) when some Yamhill county Democrats were looking for a site for to rent for a couple of months for their November campaign headquarters, they were apparently turned down at one location in downtown McMinnville when the landlord learned they wanted it for the Dem's county HQ. When they complained to the recalcitrant landlord, he apparently said something like, "all you Democrats want the government to interfere in everything."

I guess rent money from Democrats was not good enough for him.

2) speaking of the government not interfering in everything, I guess it's perfect legal for Verizon worktrucks to sport Bush/Cheney bumperstickers. Must be, since I saw one today on Hwy 99 near Tualatin.

What's next? City of Portland trucks sporting Francesconi stickers? On second thought, those would probably be more likely on the vehicles of all the developers who stand to make a mint if F wins as mayor.

3) If churches post political signs are they able to collect any of Bush's "faith-based initiatives" monies? For example there's a little church near Newberg with "Yes on 36" campaign signs. I suppose as a private church they are entitled to post whatever bigotted nonsense they want, but I would hope that they (or any other church that is actively endorsing political campaigns) are not eligible for federal money.

I propose that anyone who passes by a house, church, or any site with a "yes on 36" yard sign should honk loudly as they go by to show their displeasure at having to share our wonderful state with homophobes who don't have anything more meaningful to do with their lives than work to outlaw marriage between two people who love each other. A little noise pollution to combat the ideology pollution we have to deal with yet again on our election ballot.

For a positive step, contact Basic Rights Oregon to get involved with the campaign against measure 36. And put out your yard signs and sticker your cars. if telephone company drivers can do it, so can we!
"all you Democrats want the government to interfere in everything."

Huh? I don't recall Democrats proposing we amend the Constitution.
I wonder if Iraqi orphans feel like they've been interfered with?

At least now I can get that assault rifle I always wanted.
ironic, isn't it...

i think "interference" to Republikans is when they are forced to be accountable for their actions.

When they try to limit constitutional rights based on their religious views, or to justify the killing of citizens of other countries, they call it "family values" and "protecting our national interest".

Oh, they are so virtuous!
Good news for Ms Gobbell...she's already got a new job.

With the Kerry campaign.

John rocks

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