Why am I even listening to the convention? It's definitely making me mad. Maybe mad enough to work as hard as I can to help Kerry get elected.
We just cannot let Bush win. His supporters would like us to think that Bush is for freedom. But we know that Bush is not really for freedom. He is for the neo-con and right-wing Christian conservative agenda, which includes American hegemony abroad, and religion-based laws domestically.
He is for taking away a woman's right to her own body. He is for invading countries to plunder their resources and fill the coffers of our corporations. He is for denying states the right to decide basic issues such as marriage and the right to die with dignity. He is for destroying any positive views of America around the world. He is for sending our soldiers to die in wars without justification. He is for basing education on standardized testing rather than the individual capabilities of each student. He is for leadership by deceit and obfuscation.
He is against you and I, and the basic rights of our constitution, and everything our country stands for, and he cannot get four more years in the white house.
¶ 7:46 PM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
Proud member of the reality-based community