Asked how the foreign policy of President Bush has affected their feelings toward the US, in 31 countries a majority or plurality said it made them feel “worse” about America, while in 3 countries, more of the respondents said that it had made them feel “better” towards America. On average, 53% of respondents said Bush’s foreign policy made them feel worse about the US, while 19% said it made them feel better.The poll also found that our neighbors to the north and south were among countries with the strongest negative views toward our foreign policy.
Strongest negative views of US foreign policy were held in Germany (83% say “worse”), France (81%), Mexico (78%), China (72%), Canada (71%), Netherlands (71%), Spain (67%), Brazil (66%), Italy (66%), Argentina (65%), and the UK (64%).It will be interesting to see how the Bush campaign will try to spin this one. Karl Rove's favorite tactic is to kick the opponent in his strong areas. if foreign policy was considered one of Bush's strengths (his only strength? and questionable at that?) this would seem to be a direct shot to Bush's groin, and not from a partisan source, lending it more credibility.