The Miami Herald today has an article about a new book coming out by Senator Bob Graham, former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. (thanks to Atrios for this one.)
In his book Intelligence Matters, Graham apparently discusses how the FBI and the Bush administration thwarted investigations into some Saudis with ties to both the Saudi government and to 2 of the 9-11 hijackers. He also discusses the shifting of resources in 2002 from the war and terrorist hunt in Afghanistan to prepare for the war on Iraq, as well as the CIA and Bush administration's overstatement/misstatement of the threat from Iraq leading up to the war.
Graham faults the president for not comparatively analyzing the level of threat from al Queda and from Iraq, and for being flippant about not finding WMD, which was the primary reason he gave for sending American soldiers to fight and die in Iraq.
¶ 12:09 AM
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