via Cursor, this commentary by Juan Cole regarding Bush and the "CEO test" is excellent.
He frames Bush's actions over the past 4 years as though he were running a corporation (which he never did well either). The very logical conclusion is that if he were head of an actual corporation, he should already have been thrown out on his ass for incompetance, questionable ethics (just like back in 1990), incredibly poor decision making and for huge economic losses.
As shareholders, we need to hold the CEO accountable and fire him ASAP.
Alternately, Bush views himself as the daddy of the US which he views as a 10 year old child in need of guidance and protection. If that were the case (and not just a condescending and arrogant metaphor), child protective services long ago would have yanked the child from the dangerously reckless father.
To read up on Bush's history in oil, baseball and politics, check out this article from 2000 by Joe Conason. Or checked out this summary of his activities and jobs.
¶ 1:09 PM
This is how it should read:
''I know as a parent I would sacrifice all my children."
But to be fair, I've always thought of Dubya as a 13-year-old juvenile delinquint we need to protect ourselves from.
Given the demonstration of W's grown children this week, perhaps we have our evidence that if he is involved in parenting anything, the results will be very disappointing.
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