I was able to meet Representative David Wu yesterday, and was impressed by his eloquence and sincerity.
He spoke to the gathered group about how we had a chance to use the surplus generated in the late 1990's to pay off our national debt and make investments in our country's education and healthcare, but we failed to do so. He spoke about how on the evening of Sept 11, 2001, he joined with other people in the Capital and felt an incredibly strong bond of unity between people that overrided any thoughts of politics or parties. And he spoke about how we are all descended from people who didn't have the same chances to participate in a democratic system of governance, and stressed how important it is to leave this democracy to our descendents in as good or better condition than when we inherited it.
I thought it was a rather polite way of saying that this current administration is doing its best to squander resources, divide us and chip away at our democratic principles. He said it better... I guess that's why he's the politician! I'm hoping he will keep his seat in Congress this fall because I think he is doing a good job and deserves to continue.
¶ 12:57 AM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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