Just watched NOW on OPB... I don't often watch television on Friday nights, but I really need to try to watch this show more often. I'm always very impressed by the quality of the discussion.
I was struck by how two of the guests said that Kerry needs to convey that he will work for the people of this country, as opposed to the corporations. I've been concerned about the inability of the Kerry campaign to do anything but play defense to Bush's offensive. And although I think it's good that he's responding to the negative ads that have been playing, I'm pretty tired of hearing about his medals and the shrapnel and the Vietnam War. I know he was there, I know what he did, I believe he was courageous, but now can we actually talk about some issues, please?
Kerry needs to get out there and say that it's time to talk about the present and the future, not the past. He needs to challenge Bush's record on the economy, on the environment, on healthcare, on education, on foreign relations, and on the war in Iraq. He needs to show the links between the Bush administration and corporations such as Enron, Halliburton, Bechtel, etc. He needs to be bold and definitive and to commit to being a president who acts for the public interest, rather than corporate interests.
Will he do it, or is he planning to take play defense until November and hope that enough Americans want a change badly enough to vote for him?
¶ 10:00 PM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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