Here's an article about Rep. Doug Bereuter from Nebraska who is retiring this year after 26 years in Congress. In 2002 he supported giving W the power to go to war after urging him to broaden the international coalition and not to let it impact actions in Afghanistan, but now he says that the war was based on faulty intelligence and was unjustified.
Recently in a letter to constituents he wrote "Now we are immersed in a dangerous, costly mess, and there is no easy and quick way to end our responsibilities in Iraq without creating bigger future problems in the region and, in general, in the Muslim world."
Bereuter is a vice chair of the House Intelligence Committee and a senior member of the House International Relations Committee. This CNN article includes some Republican leaders commenting on why Bereuter is breaking ranks on this issue. As usual with anyone who disagrees with the administration, they try to discredit him.
Why is it that whenever any Republicans publicly disagree with Bush they are ascribed some ulterior motive? Is it so hard for the Bushies to fathom that perhaps they are making a mess of things and even their supporters might be losing faith?
¶ 12:33 AM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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