I've been reading Goli Ameri's election website recently and have found some things that are indicative of her true loyalties if (the horror...the horror!) she was elected.
First, her "Goli in the News" page doesn't contain many actual news articles - mostly just commentary from staffers masquerading as news. A recent article is misleadingly entitled "Wu should not play politics with CIA nominee." In fact, the article is about Nancy Pelosi not supporting the nomination and Ameri's staffer basically taunting Wu to come out with his opinion about the nomination. Sorry, but it's actually Ameri's campaign that is playing politics with the nomination by trying to bait Wu with it and insinuating that Wu is playing politics. Nice try. But thanks for showing your true colors - the same as the rest of the shady Republican spin doctors.
Secondly and more importantly, her environmental policy page shows clearly that she cares nothing about the environment but is merely giving lip service to what her pollers must be telling her is an important issue for many Oregonians.
If people cannot find employment and businesses do not have customers, it hurts the quality of life of all Oregonians.Here she is subtly implying that environmental protections cause unemployment and that somehow they drive customers away. No, Goli, it's actually corporate greed that causes unemployment. As Weyerhauser's president noted back in 1986, the slowdown in the logging industry was caused primarily by increases in production and depressed export prices.
Logging, overgrazing, dams and other factors are injuring our fisheries and costing millions of dollars a year. But out of the 4.5 billion has been spent on salmon recovery, I'm sure that a significant percentage has helped create jobs for people working toward that recovery. So basically, corporations degrade our natural resources and causes job loss in the name of profits, then the government steps in with tax and ratepayer money to fix the damage and create jobs that the corporations lost with their actions. So what Goli is really for is corporate welfare.
As a matter of principle, Goli believes that excessive government regulation costs jobs and hurts business. Here she is basically reiterating the previous sentence, only a bit more clearly -- environmental regulations cost jobs. Now again, this is just not necessarily true. Regulations do cost corporations money. Businesses could view environmental regs as a necessary part of doing business in an ethical manner, and calculate them into the bottom line. Instead they complain about the unfairness of it all and fire workers rather than cutting into the CEO's salaries. Very principled indeed.
But Goli also loves the great outdoors, the beautiful Oregon scenery and the diverse landscape of Oregon that is unique to our state –from Waterfront Park in Portland to the Oregon Coast. Therefore, Goli will work hard in Congress to strike a reasonable balance between economic development and environmental conservation... Apart from the very annoying way she uses the third person, it is obvious to me from this statement that she has no deep personal connection to the natural world. All the words she uses are purely superficial... scenery, landscape, great outdoors. She's basically saying that because Oregon is pretty, she'll try to leave a couple trees standing after she turns it into southern California.
She goes on to express her support for the so-called "healthy forest initiative", dredging the Columbia River (does she think she gets environmental points for support this item which really should have been on her economic policy page?), and (my personal favorite), support for proper interpretation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), which has been used by many radicals to subject private property owners to much hardship.Again, she is being disingenuous by implying that "radicals" are trying to cause hardship to good taxpaying citizens. Actually those "radicals" are trying to make sure that laws that were enacted by government agencies based on the best science available are enforced.
The 1st Congressional district contains many beautiful and scenic areas including the Columbia River in Columbia county, the ocean in Clatsop county, as well as several other rivers, numerous creeks and forested areas, and a diverse array of wildlife. One would think that with all the money her campaign is getting from Cheney fundraisers, she might post a picture on her environment page that actually looked like it came from her potential district, and maybe give it a caption. I guess she would only do that if she actually gave a damn.
I've railed against Go-lie many times on my blog. She is quick to paint her family and she as victims with the fall of Iran, but her family had to have money in order to move to Paris, then the States. She seems to sort of brush over stuff about her family.
The Taiwan David Wu left in the 60s was just as repressive a place as the Iran that Ameri likes to play up.
At 6:57 PM, Anonymous said... I've railed against Go-lie many times on my blog. She is quick to paint her family and she as victims with the fall of Iran, but her family had to have money in order to move to Paris, then the States. She seems to sort of brush over stuff about her family.Thank you! Someone had to say it. I remember hearing her "pity me and my experience" ads all over the radio and feeling like someone was trying to manipulate my sympathies. It was a crass attempt to get me to vote for her. Fortunately, I have a brain.
Unfortunately, I have no hand in that race; I live in Blumenauer territory now. But David Wu rocks, and people need to vote for him. David Wu cares about his constituents. Goli Ameri cares about being elected a Republican.
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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