Mr. Stanton is not only anti-gay, he apparently is rather old-fashioned in his beliefs about women. As part of "natural marriage," he advocates "as many men as possible each finding a woman, caring for and committing himself exclusively to her." Awwwww, how sweet! Maybe we should go back to having women obey men. I'm sure there's some bibical rational for that.
And by the way, homosexuals do experience discrimination. And the only reason why they haven't been denied the right to vote, or otherwise treated the same way blacks or other minorities historically have been is because homosexuals are able to blend into American society. They have been able to protect themselves from a lot of discrimination by staying in the closet. There are a lot of places in this country still today where coming out can have life-threatening consequences. (Anyone remember Matthew Shepard?)
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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