In case anyone is losing track, here are some of the areas in which Bush has tried to curtail your rights...
- privacy (trying to overturn California's new financial privacy law; IAO - death with dignity (trying to overturn Oregon's law) - marriage (wants to narrowly define marriage to suit religious conservatives) - abortion (women retain control of their bodies? Not if W can help it.)
- military service (forcing soldiers to extend tours of duty due to poor pre-war planning)
- law (denied due process to US citizens suspected of terrorism links)
- political participation (requing some people attending Bush rallies to sign a W endorsement)
I'm sure there are other areas... drop me a comment if you have suggestions.
oh, and you'll be happy to note that W does support your individual right to be armed.
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
Proud member of the reality-based community