day 81/reason 20: Bush a waffler on small business support
The Cowboy in Chief was in P-town yesterday to share his enthusiasm for ripping up the Columbia River and to attend a rally billed as a "small business summit."
At the business rally, he invited a few local business owners to come up on stage and be fed leading questions about how wonderfully W has supported small businesses.
I found an article in a Bend, Oregon paper about W's actual decreased support for small businesses, including defunding the micro loan prgram and decreasing the Small Business Administration (SBA) budget by 15%. Here's a letter from a member of the House Small Business Committee deploring W's proposed 2004 budget for the SBA and basically accusing W's adminstration of not walking their talk.
Also, according to, the administration proposed radical cuts in the government's Manufacturing Extension Program (MEP). The program is targetted at helping small manufacturers become more efficient and competitive. The budget ended up being reduced from 106 million to 39 million for this year. Georgia is one of the states hit by this budget cut. However, swing states such as Arizona are apparently being awarded funding this year. Hmmmm...
¶ 1:55 PM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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