day 78/reason 23: Medicare and prescription drug coverage
This has seemed to be a fiasco from the start... and a Harvard survey recently found that 47% of the people eligible for the plan don't like it. Another study finds that although people think that it will help lower-income seniors, they have concerns over many aspects of the plan including which drugs would be covered by the various plans, and about the late enrollment penalty.
We are a country of smart creative people. Can't we do better than this for people who have worked hard their whole lives expecting to receive some benefits back from their country when they retire? My dad is planning to retire next year after over 30 years as an educator... I expect to hear all sorts of horror stories over the next few years about his health coverage, or lack thereof.
¶ 10:36 PM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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