There's going to be a lot of talk at the Repub convention about W's plans for wealth creation vs. wealth redistribution, but it will just be a lot of hot air as he has nothing to show for in this regard from his past few years in office.
In fact, he's pretty much just been redistributing the wealth by giving the taxpayers' money to corporations for their work in Iraq. His record on job creation in this country has been abysmal, and even now that our economy is supposedly on the up-swing, jobs are still at a premium. Drastic economic changes such as United Airlines' plan for cutting pensions are looming, and W's own budget office recently reported that the tax burden has been shifted to the middle class. In fact, the wealthy are getting off the hook twice, once with lower taxes, and again by interest gained from financing the ballooning national debt.
He may call it wealth creation, but really W is nothing more than a dyslexic Robin Hood... stealing from the poor and middle class to give to the rich. Let's see how he tries to spin this one. And whether Kerry will let him off the hook again, as he's been doing on the Iraq war.
¶ 11:46 AM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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