day 71/ reason 30: W: incapable of doing the right thing
Yet again, Bush is choosing to pull his infamous "look over there" tactic instead of doing the right thing. Many people have called on him to denouce the "swift boat" ad, which is not only blatantly false and misleading about Kerry's service, but was put up by a group with ties to Bush's campaign which is illegal.
Rather than denouncing the ad, Bush is calling on the courts to stop all "shady" 527s from running political ads. Never mind that some of these "shady" groups such as Move-on are funded by donations from thousands of average citizens like you or me, or that Move-on ads don't use lies to smear candidates.
At issue here are three things:
1) responsibility - this administration is continually unwilling to take responsibility for any of its actions.
2) money - the Bush campaign has more money than the Kerry campaign and so wants to stop groups like Move-on from stepping in to run ads in favor of Kerry.
3) the moral high-ground - which Bush is losing by not condeming the "swift boat" ad... every day that Bush wriggles and worms his way around this issue, he is drawing attention to how slimy he really is.
Mr. President... you wormed your way out of Vietnam, out of your stateside military duties, into the white house, and into a non-essential war with Iraq, and you continue to try to wriggle your way out of responsibility for Abu Ghraib, tax breaks for the wealthy, a failing economy and slimy campaign strategies. No wonder the Dixie Chicks were ashamed of you... For all your tough talk, there are an awful lot of slime trails leading from the current white house.
¶ 10:18 AM
And he has the gall to use "Results Matter" as a slogan when he addresses the faithful.
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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