has a very good article about Karl Rove's history of using surrogate groups to attack his candidate's opponents. The article is written by James C. Moore, a coauthor of "Bush's Brain" and a longtime journalist in Texas.
Apparently, Rove's strategy has been to use surrogate groups to slime opponents, while his candidates (including Bush) remain above the fray, ostensibly trying to talk about the issues. Then, after the damage has been done (to people such as Ann Richards, John McCain, Max Cleland and John Kerry), Rove's candidate steps in to "demand an end to the ugliness."
This is not "just politics" as Bush said to McCain in 2000... it's slimy, morally and ethically reprehensible, and probably illegal given Rove's ties to both the surrogate groups and to Bush.
Bush and Rove cannot be let off the hook on this... it is symptomatic of the ethical vacuum in the White House today, and a prime example of why Bush has to be defeated in November.
¶ 2:25 PM
If change is to come, it will have to come from the outside. It will have to come from the margins. -Wendell Berry _______________________________________
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