building the margins
Saturday, April 02, 2005
  pop quiz

True or False:
The only sure way to avoid STDs is to wait until marriage to have sex, choose a partner who has also waited or who is uninfected and share a faithful life together.
The above statement is from a government website for parents of teenagers.

Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure you don't have to wait until marriage to in order to avoid STDs - you just need to avoid risky sexual behavior and sexual activity with people who have STDs.

Why does the website include this little bit of fakery? It seems to be another example of religious dogma creeping into the government. Of course teenagers should avoid having sex since they are not usually mature enough to handle the emotions or the potential consequences. But saying that sex is only safe in marriage is just plain false and is downright antiquated.

A bit about me: I'm a former Catholic who left the church largely because I couldn't stand its limited views about sexuality, and the way it tries to make sex something dirty and nasty, rather than just a basic human biological need. I just can't believe that there are specific rules that people have to follow regarding sex in order to gain entrance to heaven. It just doesn't make sense. Somehow sex outside of marriage is a mortal sin, but once you get that piece of paper, hey, go crazy. As long as you aren't using birth control, because that would be a sin.

I guess you could say I left the Church because I don't believe in a God who is a micro manager.

The site also suggests bringing your gay child to a therapist who "shares your values"...
If you believe your adolescent may be gay, or is experiencing difficulties with gender identity or sexual orientation issues, consider seeing a family therapist who shares your values to clarify and work through these issues.
What exactly does that mean? If you are homophobic and narrowminded, you should find a shrink who hates homosexuality? Oh yeah, that's going to help your child.

I'm waiting for the day when more energy is spent on preventing violence in our society than on worrying about sex. When will have information about how parents can help their kids avoid gangs? Or how parents can tell if their kid is planning to walk into their school and gun down their classmates?

Or maybe reducing violence among teens is a lost cause given the example that our Christian president has set by sending our soldiers to other countries and killing civilians. (Hey, what's a little collateral damage if yur spreadin' democrassy?)

Or what if the government included info on the site about teaching teens how to eat better and avoid the corn syrup and chemical-laden crap sold in supermarkets as food? Talk about health risks - we're feeding our kids junk disguised as food that will only make them fat and diseased in the long term.

Nope, better to just address sex, drugs, and money so that our kids can grow up to be good little Christian capitalist doggies working 60 hours a week for peanuts and pumping out kids every 9 months (since birth control will probably be outlawed at some point in the next 20 years, given our "culture of life").

end of rant.
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